Hiper Type R Mk-II 680W power supply

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Hiper RII 680 Watt PSU Review

So here we see the PSU in a rather original packaging, a plastic box. Great marketing, efficient for transportation, sturdy .. yeah why the heck not ? Stuff like this will help sell the product for certain. Okay, that pouch is gay though, really purple/pink ?

Everything is carefully packaged in there, so once you are done installing the casing, you can use the box. Even that fluffy colored pouch can be found in there.

Hiper RII 680 Watt PSU Review

Bundled inside we find the power supply, a new power cord with spliiter for both USA and EU model connectors, mounting screws, extra Molex adapters in the pouch, and a small manual.

Hiper RII 680 Watt PSU Review

Inside the pouch you'll sport the extra splitter cables should you need them. To be honest I'm not a real fan of them, especially with higher reated PSUs you will forfeit on efficiency by adding resistance in the circuitry. But for a 680W PSU, not a real problem.

Hiper RII 680 Watt PSU Review

That's bling man ! Here we see the PSU all nekkid. The no modular connection on this PSU. Whuch quite honestly is better in terms of power distribution versus resistance versus ripple. The standard attached cables are sleeved nicely in black and are long enough to reach anything in your case. But what's that at the front-side eh ?

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